Sex -and- Love

March 4th, 2013

Do you ever sit down to write a blog post only to realize that you have so much to say that you don’t know where to start? This is exactly me right now. To begin with, I’ve had an incredibly busy week that involved seeing friends and family every single day. I’d hang out with one group only to leave and go someplace else. There’s no doubt that it’s been fun, but I’ve hardly had time to keep up with any of my blogs, including of Sex and Love.

Some other things have been sucking up my time, namely, Facebook games like Candy Crush Saga and Tumblr. In an interesting twist, a guy who I would consider having sex with hung out with me and a friend, and we began discussing Tumblr. My account has mostly existed to look at nerdy stuff and porn, so exchanging links has been enlightening. We have similar interests and both seem to be similarly single, which has led to some late-night texts and messages while he’s drunk, lonely and horny.

If this had happened just a month ago, I’d take him up on the offer. Who knows where it could lead? However, I haven’t because..

I recently started talking to a friend with whom I’ve had a falling out. Via some honest conversations, I discovered that he’d liked me for quite a long time, and after having sex with the emo guy, I find myself wanting more sex. I initially got ahold of this old friend in hopes that we might develop a physical/sexual relationship only; however, things seemed to be getting more emotional than that. We’ve had fun hanging out and flirting, and he’s obviously still into me.

What I didn’t expect to happen was to develop feelings for him as well. This all culminated in a wonderful night of cuddling on my couch, making out and some much-needed licking on his part. A couple orgasms later and we were sleeping in one another’s arms in my bed.

It might sound silly, but the last time I had sex was disappointing. I actually forget about it, so spending intimate time with this friends feels like the first time since my ex-husband. That’s true enough for the emotional part, I think, but not necessarily the physical. The difference is, of course, that I was to continue having a romantic and sexual relationship with this guy.. and it’s a relief. After coming out of my relationship with my ex, I found it difficult to imagine that I’d find someone to whom I was attracted, wanted to be physical and felt affection for who might also reciprocate. I fretted about the first time I would kiss or fuck another. I worried about my body image and self esteem, doubting if I could ever be comfortable enough with another person again. I doubted my experience, thinking that people would somehow label me the inexperienced girl. For the most part, I am sure that these are issues many people experience during a breakup, but those last two years have been so long that it seemed like it would never happen for me.

And now? It’s happening. Fooling around, and the guy still wants to talk to me, to do more with me. He likes pleasing me, he enjoys my body. It almost seems silly to think that I worried about those things, but the feelings are still too recent to forget them entirely. It’s very teenagery, these feelings, but I can’t help it. I spent most of my adult life married and doing things with one person — one person who was way far less able to make me feel comfortable and loved than my friend-with-more-than-benefits. It feels good to feel normal like everyone else. I’m in the game.

Maybe, now, I can finally get this blog back on track.

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Icicles No. 39

February 22nd, 2013

I have written many reviews for underpowered, overpriced, poor-quality and other sex toys with simply poor designs. I’ve had defects, but I’ve never had one break on me, despite the fact that I’ve reviewed more than my fair share of glass dildos over the years. What makes this even worse is that this dildo broke before I was technically able to use it. I took a picture and put the dildo away for a while.

Then, I got it out and went to wash it. While it was under the stream of water already in the basin of the sink, fell a few inches and broke. The flat ring of the handle broke off from the corkwscrew shaft. A tiny piece chipped and fell down my drain, so while I can piece these back together and maybe even super glue it, I don’t think it’s worth dealing with.

Now, it didn’t shatter or break in use, but I’ve dropped more than one piece of glass into my sink and even on the floor without it breaking on me. While this dildo broke as the thinnest point, I still feel it warrants discussion. Is this an issue with the dildo I received? Is it a problem with this particular design because the ring is so narrow? Or are Icicles dildos in general something we should stay away from? I don’t want to write them off entirely, but this makes me wary.

Icicles 39 Handle Broken From Shaft

Before it broke, Icicles 39 really was gorgeous. The black glass is opaque. It’s super shiny and sleek. The corkscrew design is unique and it wasn’t hard to take a decent picture before it broke.

Pipedream is really trying to up their game. My dildo came in a foam insert in a long, narrow box. There’s a magnetic “flap” that you open to see a window surrounded by a black-on-black pattern. It’s all very sophisticated. Sadly, it’s all for show because Pipedream includes no storage and..

The dildo really didn’t work for me. Yes, I still use it — carefully — after it broke. I found the shape to be noticeable but not in a way that was especially pleasurable. The problem with it is that it’s just so narrow. I really had to press the straight shaft to stimulate my G-spot and this was due to the narrowness of this. While this makes it a good dildo for people who like smaller toys, it’s going to wind up disappointing size queens. I don’t even consider myself one of those, but this thing is a maximum of 1″ or so and it starts around half that. With 6″ or so insertable, the taper is super gradual, but the lack of girth and curve means it’s less than ideal for me personally.

So, this went in the trash for obvious reasons, but if you were to buy this, cleaning is a breeze. Storage? Well, you want something padded, that’s for sure.

I’m wary of quality, but I think someone could like this dildo. It’s just not me.


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This Just In: Playmates Are Busty and Thin

February 20th, 2013

I wish this site were an infographic because it has some interesting information.  In a recent issue of Wired, the researchers took a look at the BMI, cup sizes and other attributes of Playboy playmates and compared them to real women. Not surprisingly, the models have become thinner without losing breast size, while average women have become a little curvier.  The full graph is available as a PDF, which is better than the article itself.

playmate study

I want to simply nod and agree, but the thoughtful person inside me thinks this is problematic when women (and men!) make comparisons to ideals that are becoming further from average. It’s a bit like the economic divide shifting. And while maybe you and I might not be that naive, plenty of people are. Men and women, especially young and impressionable minds, look at the media and don’t realize how different it can be from every day.

I mean, how often do I really look at TV stars and think “they’ve had surgery and someone hand picks their clothes and they’re wearing professional makeup?” Not often enough to stop comparing myself, that’s for damned sure. And when it comes to sexualized images, I think the result can be even worse for one’s self esteem. It’s not just how appearance that people compare. It’s behavior and interests and skills, so while this little study has a very limited focus, I think it’s good that people are finally thinking about these things.

However, the lack of depth with which it was presented does leave a little to be desired.


Star Delight Clear Dildo [Flash Review]

February 19th, 2013

Star Delight Clear Dildo

Star Delight Clear Dildo

It appears that this toy is no longer available.

My first Crystal Delights dildo was a success, but I feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I been able to use it on someone else. The pretty Swarovski jewels at the end are totally lost on me, unless I display it as a piece of art in my living room. I just might. Although, the blue almost exactly matches my nails.

The Star Delight specifically is a glass dildo with a contoured head and bulges on the shaft. The flared based makes it pretty safe for anal, and while the shaft lacks any sort of G-spot curve, the contoured head was enough to make me squirt within minutes. The bulbs are impossible to ignore, but I slightly prefer ridges for actual pleasure. Six inches to thrust with is plenty, and the glass has a heft to it that I enjoy.

The base makes it easy to hold, and I was able to insert this 1.4-inch dildo with no warm-up and a little lube. Cleaning is easy no matter how you do it, and Crystal Delights includes this storage pouch, which I just love. It’s like a burrito of happiness.

Good dildo? Yes. Better than any I’ve tried before? No? Prettier? Why don’t you come find out.

Crystal Delights Storage Pouch



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The 5 Things

February 14th, 2013

Earlier, my good friend asked me what five things I require of someone to be in a relationship with them. You know, those five traits. I think I’ve really lowered my standards lately but not in a bad way. I’m being more fair and open minded. I don’t even think all five of these are necessary, but they’re all good. For example, physical attraction and sexual compatibility go a long way to overlooking personality flaws because, as I’ve discussed, I’m sort of a shallow.

Here’s my list:

  1. Has a sense of humor
  2. Allows me to express feelings
  3. Sexual compatibility
  4. Makes me feel a priority
  5. Sexual compatibility

The running  joke with another friend lately has been how I need someone who I can “tell my feelers to and fuck hard.” Ultimately, that’s about all I need, but I’m not going to be able to have satisfying sex with someone if I’m not attracted to that person. Emotional security won’t happen if I can’t express my feelings — and not just those about the relationship — to my partner.

After always feeling like I wasn’t part of my ex-husband’s life, I really need someone who makes me feel like a priority, both in his interactions with me and those with others that might concern me. Someone who can make me feel like the only person in the world, then, is definitely on the right track.

And there might be someone in my life who meets these criteria in a way that feels good enough for me. We shall see what happens.



Fishnets Are the New Black [Saw This on Tumblr]

February 13th, 2013


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Songs I Want to Post

February 6th, 2013

Being Facebook friends with the potential-dude-gone-totally-emo has its downfalls. Like, I totally can’t post videos that seem pertinent to my situation for fear that he’ll take them the wrong way. I know, I know.

So forgive if this sounds teenagery or, really, if all my recent posts do. Dating is new to me. Having sex with more than one guy in my life is new to me. These are not things I as able to do ten years ago, and I don’t even think I’m doing them well now. But I’m trying.

And on an everyday basis, I don’t listen to every song and think “This is sooo me.” It’s just that these two songs really seem to sum up how I’m left feeling after this whole.. experience.

The first song is one that I loved immediately when I downloaded Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger. I was so surprised that “Dark Side” became a single while “Don’t Be A Girl About It” didn’t. It’s catchy and, dare I say, fierce. Granted, I don’t necessarily condone the idea that being a “girl” is negative, but it’s a damn fine way to drive home the point.

If there were any specific lyrics that I thought summed up my thoughts, these are it:

It’s getting old, your ‘poor me’ thoughts
Believe me boy when I say ‘so what’
This broken record thing has got to stop
I’m losing interest in your pillow talk

I mean, it was two weeks, dude! Get over it/me/us/yourself. Grow a pair. Grow the fuck up. Life goes on. I’ve been fighting the urge to post this song on the guy’s wall or my own wall for weeks. I immediately thought of it when this shit went down.

On the other hand, I hadn’t listened to “King Of Anything” for quite some time, so it wasn’t until when I was in the shower yesterday that I realized how perfect it also was for the situation.

Both these women are great singers, but Sara has that singer-songwriter thing going on that I was really into a couple years ago.

You sound so innocent
All full of good intent
You swear you know best

But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you
Ride off into your dellusional sunset

I’m not the one who’s lost
With no direction oh
But you won’t ever see

You’re so busy makin’ maps
With my name on them in all caps
You got the talkin’ down just not the listening

The recurring theme that she doesn’t need to save her hits home because the emo guy actually said something about how “He wanted to fix things/me” as if I were broken. I am not broken. I do not need fixing. I am just not that into you, dude. This guy was sort of an accidental douche. He didn’t intend to be but his “woe is me” attitude meant he wound up treating me like crap in some ways because he couldn’t get beyond his own hurt, which wasn’t really anyone’s fault. I didn’t mean to break his heart. He should keep that thing on a leash.

You can’t mainsplain away my feelings. Just stop talking. You don’t know me better than I do, mmkay?

So, thanks to Kelly and Sara for singing it like it is. Less thanks to the emo dude for his shitty reaction to the letdown.
