You know the joke..

May 22nd, 2010

I am getting over my period, for the third time in three months. Most women between the ages of 13 and 60 or so wouldn’t think twice about this but since getting my IUD, I haven’t consistently gotten my period for years. It was a bit surprising to get it 2 months in a row but the third? Wow!

I’m a little annoyed. I mean, it’s natural and healthy but it’s annoying and I feel like I’m losing time. I’d rather not be crampy or bleeding or ruining panties or too uncomfortable to masturbate.

It also reminds me that I don’t have a family and my biological clock has been ticking, oddly enough, for the last 3 months or so. Truth be told, I’m not sure if it’s because my brain is sending out some sort of hormone.. or if maybe the growing up I’ve been forced to do and my desire for a greater purpose in life (IE, a family) has awakened my biological clock.

But while my period only lasts one week a month, this ticking shows no signs of abating.