It’s that time of year again..

October 4th, 2010

You know, Epiphora’s blog anniversary and her annual blogversary giveaway. This year I’m entering to get the Maverick dildo from Vixen. Why, you ask? Because I fucking ruined my Vixskin dildo. Seriously. So I have to win or I’ll die.

Plus side, she’s giving away so many toys and porn and even a gift card that even if I do win, which I will because I said so, you can still win something totally awesome. Just not the Maverick. Kay?


Okay, which is it?

November 11th, 2009

Yesterday I posted my review on the Nexus G-Rider which didn’t work out for me at all. I definitely thought it would be better as a male toy. I felt pretty sheepish when Epiphora said it’s meant to be a prostate toy and even the box said that. After my husband awoke I check. Sure enough, it says Male G-spot toy. I let Christina over at TabuToys know, thinking she might want to change the listing but then she sent me the link to Nexus’ own listing of the G-rider which says it’s for “male and female use”. They even go so far as to say it’s “guaranteed to hit all the right buttons for men and women.” So Nexus, which is it? Males only? Both? Or something in the middle?


I almost forgot!

October 27th, 2009

Seriously, I cannot believe I forgot to blog about this because I meant to. I mean, I’ve been tweeting about it pretty constantly! Whatever am I talking about? Why, Epiphora’s smorgasbord of sex toy goodies she is giving away for her blog’s anniversary. Like, duh. The prizes include porn, silicone and metal, vibrators, Fun Factory’s Bootie and even a Fleshlight. There’s a toy or two I wouldn’t mind winning. That’s why I’m blogging you see, to win. I blog to win! Do you?!
