
November 5th, 2011

I recently came across this post on STFU Conservatives. Joe and Jess had written and reblogged a few times about the “Nice Guy TM” who actually isn’t so nice but uses the label to get a pity fuck, basically. But this comic struck a nerve because, in it, I saw a little bit of myself — and the Hot Nerd — in the comic and that worried me.

Nice Guy Comic

Am I that guy? Am I the person just sitting around, waiting for the object of my affection to slowly wear down until he decides he can settle for me? This weighed heavily on me for a few days. It worried me. I don’t want to be a creep. I don’t want to be the fake Nice Guy TM.

And I’ve decided I’m not. Because, while I may hold out hope, the happiness of the Hot Nerd is as important to me as his friendship and those things will always take priority over the fact that I believe we could be really good together. While I hope more time together will bring us closer, I want it to be because it has helped him realize the same spark, not decide to live without it.

Phew, I can live with myself for another day.

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