Jenna's Hot Trimmer
from Amazon
It’s not usual that I want to write about a product for review immediately but I couldn’t help myself when it comes to Jenna’s Hot Trimmer.
You see, I’d been growing out the pubes for a while. I had hit full bush mode a while back. My husband found me having hair pretty novel. I didn’t mind it, but it was getting to the unruly point, and since my last trimmer died, I asked to review this one from. Plus, it comes with shapes. I’ve never styled my pubes before. It would be fun, right?
When the package arrived, I noted that the trimmer was in a plain cardboard box, not even a plastic blister pack. It reeked of “made in China” or some similar place. The fact that the included battery contained Asian-styled characters and was not designed like an American battery only went with this. I checked out the two heads and found them easy enough to swap. I noted that there was a clear, plastic cap to go over the small cap but nothing for the larger one. Odd. Also strange was that the shapes had no way to attach to you. I puzzled out how I’d even be able to use them. I put in the battery only to have nothing happen, so I replaced it with a reliable Duracell and tested a tiny lock of arm hair. I tucked everything into the pleather pouch, which is a god-awful pink with “Hot Trimmer” printed on it in a god-awful purple font.
Day 1
I hopped in the shower and decided to try the trimmer after. Initially, I hadn’t dried off, and it didn’t work well. I toweled down the pubes and went back to work. Soon, I had a pile of curly locks forming at my feet in the tub. Soon, I also had blood dripping down my mons. I hadn’t even noticed that I’d cut myself because the whole experience was rather irritating and uncomfortable. The teeth on both heads are quite large, not fine at all. The cut is not surprising. I applied some pressure to stop the bleeding and carefully went back to work.
I spent about 5 minutes trimming away, with the “foot” of the trimmer gliding along my skin. Actually, gliding is a lie. It tugged. It pulled. It hurts on occasion. Jenna’s Hot Trimmer did nothing to give me a uniform trim. It looked–and felt–sloppy.
I had mostly trimmed the flattest part of my mons (one area, in particular, was resistant to the trimming for some reason) and decided to try the shapes. I grabbed the heart, but if you’re a unique person, you can go for the chili pepper or teardrop (???), instead. I swapped out the heads, held the clear plastic cut out in place, and began trimming around. I pulled the shape away to notice.. Nothing. It did, nothing. Maybe if I had used some effective trimmer to cut everything down to a nice 1/4″ or 1/2,” I could have added the detail.
Still, I wanted to salvage the experience, so I decided to try my hand at making shapes with my regular razor. I added a dab of shaving gel, not wanting to add to the irritation.. but the shape was soon slip-sliding around everywhere and my razor head was too big to get the details, anyway. I wound up going over the area I’d trimmed with the razor to get a nice shave on the upper portion of my pubes.
I was already mentally exhausted, so I decided to finish trimming my labia for another time. I did notice that the trimmer was clogged with hair and skin cells, however; so I set about cleaning it. I was surprised to see that a plastic piece pops off the large head. This allows access to remove hair and whatnot, but you have to make sure to replace the head so the shaft connects with the piece in the neck. Otherwise, it won’t work. I do wish that the trimmer came with a cleaning brush or something. There are a lot of little crevices that are hard to reach inside the head.
Day 2
I returned to finish the job I’d started a few days later. I found the trimmer to be practically useless along my labia. I just couldn’t get an angle that would allow me to cut all the hair. I’d wind up having to pull the hair away from my skin to clip it, and there were certain areas that the trimmer just kept missing. I cut a few larger locks off with small scissors, but not before I cut myself with the trimmer again. I felt it this time.
I spent much less time with the trimmer the second time around. I just didn’t have the patience. I feel like I’ve spent enough time with it to make some observations:
Jenna’s Hot Trimmer is cheaply made and produces a sloppy finish despite having multiple heads. If you want a waterproof and versatile trimmer that is easy to clean, won’t cut you, and has an adjustable head, go for the Trimstyle by Quattro. It doubles as a traditional razor, too.
The heads on Jenna’s Hot Trimmer are shaped strangely. You can’t get a close trim, and the shape makes it difficult to cut hair in all areas, especially around curves or crevices. If you want something a little more versatile but don’t have high demands, try one of the Finishing Touch/Bikini Touch trimmers. Some of them come with cutting guides as well as built-in lights and a brush to clean up.
This trimmer does not make quick work of a full bush. A small pair of scissors does a much better job of a quick cleanup if you’re pressed for time and only need to clean up a bit.
A pair of scissors, Finishing Touch or Trimstyle are all cheaper than Jenna’s Hot Trimmer. However, if you’re looking for a tool that will be efficient, versatile, and effective without being dangerous, you should probably just invest in an electric razor. I’ve never had one that worked well, so I cannot personally give a recommendation, but I’d recommend almost anything over this.