The Second Time Around

March 10th, 2011

I bet you wish this post is aptly titled because my love life is going swimmingly. I do too–sorta (don’t worry, it’s not going badly), but this is a recap of past reviews.

It hasn’t been that long since I switched away from the Exotic Fruit Shower Gel by Shunga and I’m back on it. Although I didn’t touch on it in my original review, I have come to realize that my skin’s complexion is a little poorer when using this product, than when using your standard shower gels. Secondly, I find that I do not stay as clean and fresh smelling, especially around the intimate parts, when I cleanse with this shower gel. Although I do enjoy the scent, I feel like my money would be better spent on something from the drug store.

I loved the shaved of my first Tuyo and raved about it even though it sounded like an inefficient chainsaw during use–that is, until it broke. I did wind up replacing the vibrator when I had the funds but, sadly, I just don’t seem to be enjoying Tuyo 2.0 as much. Luckily, though, it’s far less loud than the previous one (although not as quiet as I would like), so I needn’t worry about having the cops called on me during my masturbation sessions.

Liberator Throe remains as useful as useful

Liberator Throe remains as useful as useful

On the positive side, my Liberator Throe has become a staple in my sexual routine and I rarely play–solo or with others–without it. Even having to contact the company when my original was defective (and their customer service was awesome!), I could not recommend this more to people who have had issues with lubes and liquids on their linens and furniture. For me, it’s even become an aid when setting the ambiance.

My love for my Lelo Siri continues and is only dwarfed by my respect for its battery time. I can only recall charging it once and the batteries are just now starting to die, after 6 months of on-and-off use. Granted, my sessions are usually around 10 minutes or so but I actually forgot that this one requires charging until it started to glow red! Not only has this remained my go-to toy but it’s probably the most valued toy in my entire collection.

My last update is on the Inttimo Kitty Shave Kreme by Wet. Although it smells nice, was slick and I like the pump bottle, it took me some time to realize that I wasn’t as happy with this shaving cream as I originally thought. It wasn’t until I read another’s review that I realized this shaving cream really doesn’t give me as close a shave, as other shaving creams. Secondly, the constant itching after I would use this to shave my legs never faded. It just became something I grew used to. I don’t necessarily dislike this product but it’s not a premium product, nor should it retail for such high prices. Coochy Cream and System Jo’s new shaving cream are both superior options.
