Move It Or Lose It

November 4th, 2009

Last night, I was lying in bed, and I was paging through sexual fantasies in my head, expanding some of them more than they have been expended before, and I found I was horny. I want sex but my husband has already been asleep for several hours. I ponder making a move but I don’t know what move I want to make. I don’t just want to make him up and say “Hey, want sex?” but I also don’t know what will wake him up and send the right message. So I toss and turn for a few hours until I cannot possibly stay away and longer and fall into a fitful sleep.

In a similar position, what is your foolproof move? Or, assuming you’re asleep and open to your partner making an advance, how would you like it done?



November 15th, 2008

We fit together like puzzle pieces, my hip curving into the small of your back, as I lay next to you pondering the ever elusive sleep.


Make love to your long distance lover online

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

September 9th, 2008

There’s something so very satisfying, both sensually and emotionally, about lying next to someone else during night. Listening to him sleep makes my heart swell with the knowledge that he feels free to be so utterly vulnerable next to me in bed. Even more, that he wants to stay with me during the night instead of sneaking out will always bring a smile to my face. To know that not only is he comfortable but that he desires the closeness is wonderful.

And when it comes to sensuality and sexuality, it is also pleasing. When I see the profile of his face, his neck, his shoulders.. glistening slightly in the pale light, it always turns me on. To know that I could reach over and caress his wonderful skin or more and that he would more than likely respond in kind sends a tingle through my body.

I will never tire of lying next to him.
