Make Me Cum Clit Sensitizer

January 26th, 2009

I was shopping Adam and Eve when I spotted this product and figured it might make things a little more interesting. Who doesn’t desire more orgasms? However, Adam and Eve’s Make Me Cum clit sensitizing gel did not.. make me cum. I cannot say that it did not aid in this pursuit, but if it did, its effects were not obvious enough for me to say that it’s a good investment.

Make me cum is a clear gel that comes in a 1/2-ounce jar, and for what it does, I find the price tag of $9.95 to a bit much. I mean, this jar is just small. I wasn’t expecting anything huge, but I did not realize I was paying so much for so little. It’s about the same size as those small jars of eye cream. You’re not getting much.

With that said, you don’t exactly use a whole lot. I usually dab my finger in the jar once or twice, then rub the gel around my clit. There was a faint medicinal scent that wasn’t necessarily unpleasant, and neither smell nor taste has ever been noticeable to my husband when I applied the gel.

The active ingredient of which is L-Argenine, which is:

an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. It helps the body get rid of ammonia (a waste product), is used to make compounds in the body such creatine, L-glutamate, and L-proline, and can be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed.

L-arginine is used to make the nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Preliminary studies have found that L-arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed (called vasodilation), such as atherosclerosis, erectile dysfunction, and intermittent claudication.

So I would assume that applying this topically would loosen up muscles in the clitoral area, allowing blood flow to my clit to increase. Thus, my clitoris would be more erect and more sensitive. The science makes sense, but just because my clitoris is more engorged does not necessarily make anything more pleasurable or guarantee more orgasms.

Note that l’arginine may trigger herpes outbreaks so you may want to pass over this product if you or your partner have oral or genital herpes.

I have used this before masturbation and sex. I like the idea of applying the gel because I’m anticipating sex. It makes me feel a little naughty like I have a little secret that no one else knows. I become more aware of my sexuality, but I think it’s more placebo effect than the result of this clit sensitizer.

Once I apply this gel, I either feel nothing at all or a general sort of heat happening around my clit. Now, I suppose this means that the gel is working and blood is rushing to my clit, but the heat is more unpleasant than pleasant. I don’t feel particularly aroused or more sensitive, but some stimuli do seem to be a bit more intense.

But perhaps the big test of success here should be whether or not I do experience an increase in the “frequency of orgasm” as the jar states. I have to say that I have experienced mixed results, and it is a bit difficult to pin the success of failure or orgasm on this gel alone or on surrounding circumstances.

About half the times I used this gel, I did feel like I had a better orgasm. The times that come to mind were also more pleasurable sexually intimate experiences in general, so that may have increased my pleasure more than this jar. Even with better orgasms, they were not easier, and I would assume that a product that induces more orgasms should also make them easier to achieve. Otherwise, where exactly does “more frequent” come into play?

The rest of the time, there was no discernible effect when it came to the quality or frequency of orgasm. Period. These were usually the times when I also felt no stimulation from the gel after application.

The bottom line is that this is an overpriced product, and its main strength is the placebo effect. If you want, you can let yourself think this product is awakening your clit. If this gel did anything at all, it made my clit feel warmer and may have increased the enjoyability of my orgasms. However, I cannot say it did so for a fact. Furthermore, I have no conclusive evidence that Make Me Cum clit sensitizer increased the frequency of my orgasm. As for the advertised purpose of this product, I would call it a failure, and I cannot recommend it to anyone else.

If you’re interested in similar products, check out my review for one by Intimate Earth.


Devine Toy Box in Wine with Lace Overlay

January 25th, 2009

Devine Toy Box

This is an archived review of a discontinued product.

When I first saw this toy storage container from Devine Toys, I fell in love. It was exactly my style and the red with black lace was gorgeous. It looked classy with perhaps a touch of gothic style, well made and the ability to lock away my most personal items from prying eyes was definitely a plus.

When it arrived, the shipping box was smaller than I expected, but there was not a lot of wasted space or packaging. The Devine Toy box comes with some promotional material as well as a sample of Afterglow wipes which are made by the same company. One of the flyers is folded in three parts, and with some organizational creativity, you see a different message depending on whether or not the flaps are open or closed. The inside of the flyer includes information about Devine products, and the back introduces Devine’s “new” Afterglow wipes. Another promotional piece focuses on the Afterglow wipes themselves.

Lockable Sex Toy CaseThe Devine Toy box, as described in the flyer, is 10″ by 5″ by 5″ and made of faux leather. There are six style options total, 2 of which are made with lace, including mine. (The other colour listed is purple but I have seen blue so I wonder if it has been discontinued).

The lace parts seem to be sort of pillowy and I suspect have another layer of fabric and foam beneath the fabric which is visible. Black lace is laid over red fabric on the top, back and front panel which folds over and through which a small metal loop is placed to lock this box. When the box is opened, the top does not fall all the way back. Rather, it’s held open with a ribbon sewn into the inside of the box which is lined with a red satin material.

The rest of the box (top, bottom, front and sides) and is made of a very nice faux leather. On the bottom of the right side, toward the back, the Devine logo is stamped/etched into the material but this is not overly noticeable nor does it take away from the appearance of the box.

Put it all together and you have a fine looking storage solution for your sex toys. In fact, I was really blown away by the aesthetic appeal of this piece. It was the main reason I wanted it and I certainly wasn’t let down when I gazed at it, face to face. My husband was even impressed and it was immediately obvious that this box would not be shoved under the bed nor tucked in the closet. Its size and appearance make it perfect to sit atop a bedside table, and the lock provides extra security if that’s an issue.

The padlock and 2 keys Devine provides with this toy box are a polished silvery metal which matches the hardware o the box itself. The flyer depicts the Devine logo on the lock, but this is not true. This set isn’t exactly an impenetrable force. I was able to pick the lock with 2 paperclips and the keys are rather generic. The bad news about this is that it means it doesn’t take a lot of effort to break into your toy box. If security is an issue. I would buy a stronger lock (although not all sizes may fit) The good news is, if you lose the keys, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to break into your toy box.

Lockable Sex Toy Case And losing these keys is probably easier than I’d like it to be. Although there are holes in the keys so that they can be slid onto your keyring, they’re rather small. I found it more difficult than usual to slide the tiny key onto my keyring and think a necklace or ball chain might be a better option especially because a smaller key becomes a little hard to use on a ring full of keys.

Lock and keys aside, because I honestly may never use them besides for show, I really enjoy this box. It works perfectly on my nightstand. Now, this isn’t the box you used to store every toy you use, nor is it the box you cram as full as you can. No, this is the box you use to display and keep the best of your collection close at hand for those moments, both expected and unexpected. It will have a permanent home next to my bed.

In order to easily access all my toys, I do not want to overload the Devine storage box. I have only one layer of items in it, save for a packet of toy wipes, which move easily out of the way. I can comfortably fit these items inside the box:

Lockable Sex Toy Case I think this is a fair assortment of toys to always have at hand. If the box were just a tad larger, I could fit my Miracle Massager in it but I am only a bit disappointed. The Devine toy box will also not fit taller bottles of lube and bigger vibrators and dildos comfortably, but this is okay for me. The one reservation I do have is I’m not sure how sturdy the ribbon that holds the top of the box is, and even its existence is a bit sketchy. I am constantly pulling the box open too far because I forgot about the ribbon, and I think I could break the ribbon or possibly damage the inside lining. I personally wouldn’t mind if the top of the box went further back, so I don’t think the ribbon is necessary.

However, that concern was misguided because while the ribbon has remained intact, the lock mechanism has come apart, and I cannot fix it because I lost some of the tiny pieces. This means I cannot fully close the box, although it still works well on my nightstand. I just wish that it was in pristine condition. Nevertheless, I’ll keep it because it’s no longer available.



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Clone A Willy Review

January 22nd, 2009

Earlier today, I posted my 3 review in the 7 in 7 streak of the Glow in the Dark Clone A Willy Kit.

I had never really gave much thought to this until last week when I jokingly told me husband we should clone his cock because he would be going away for several months. I was more than surprised when he agreed and we headed down to the local sex shop but it had every version of the Clone a Willy Kit but the one I wanted (the original, I suppose it is). I eventually wound up making the purchase online.

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Sun Kissed Skinny Dip Massage Candle

January 21st, 2009

Even as I write this, the smell of the Suntouched Massage Candle is wafting through the air, gently delighting my nose. This soft waxed candle is made of natural products such as soybean and coconut oil, hemp and Vitamin E. You can rest assured nothing was tested on animals, making this a perfect product for those who are ecologically and environmentally aware. Because this candle burns at a lower temperature than regular candles, it’s suitable for body massages without being uncomfortable.

Nestled in a plain tin with lid (which fits perfectly under the tin when not in use, so you needn’t worry about misplacing it) and provided with a small, plastic spoon to aid in application, this is an all-in-one atmosphere setter.

My favorite aspect of this is the scent, which is not described on the package itself. TabuToys describes the Skinny Dip scent as vanilla. Initially, I thought it had a hint of vanilla, and it definitely reminded me of a creamsicle, so it’s no wonder I like the smell. I am all about sweet! The Earthly Body site describes it as vanilla and cotton candy on other Skinny Dip products, but the description is conspicuously missing from the packaging and the Skinny Dip page itself.

Scent aside, this is a very soft waxed candle, and I can easily leave an impression by pressing my finger into the wax. It melts rather quickly—I was able to use the melted liquid for massage about 5 – 10 minutes after I lit it. I have even rubbed some solid wax on my skin as a moisturizer. However, give it some time to melt for an actual massage liquid.

I lit this candle, as well as others around the bedroom, and a soft glow enveloped us. It was a romantic and sensual setting and the scent in the air was heavenly. Although I had other scented candles lit and I have both an air freshener and reed diffuser in our room, the massage candle really stood out scent-wise. Of course, it was closest to us, but this is powerfully, but not obnoxiously, perfumed. I imagine having a lid for the tin helps to lengthen the shelf life of the scent and prevents the candle from drying out.

My husband was worried about the wax being too hot, but the soft candle melted at a very reasonable temperature. I dipped my fingers in the wax pool while the candle was still lit (carefully, of course), and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. We also used the candle by pouring it directly on the skin and my husband used the application spoon, but I found that to be less useful than you might think because it’s small and rather flimsy. So I was worried about dripping massage oil on the bed and floor when moving the spoon from candle to skin. Overall, I thought the best way to apply the oil was using my own hands.

Coupled together, the massage oil and scented candle made for a very sensual experience. I used the oil to rub down my husband’s arms, shoulders, and back, and it was a very nice product. I could easily feel the moisturizer, which is a recommended use for this massage candle. My hands glided easily, and the oil never became sticky, goopy, or dry. It rubbed easily into the skin, and neither of us felt the need to wash it off afterward. In fact, this might be a good product to dab on your skin before going out (or staying in!) to add just a little bit of allure.

I didn’t give the longest massage (perhaps 15 minutes?), but a little did go a long way. I dipped my fingers in the oil twice, initially, and that lasted me fine. Longer massages may require more oil or a reapplication, but I definitely think this worked more efficiently than other massage products we have used.

Sadly, I like this candle so much that I will be burning it just so smell it. Even just having it lit while we were intimate heightened the mood in the room deliciously, and I find myself occasionally just smelling the candle.

The one thing I did notice is that the wick needs to be constantly trimmed which I should do with all my candles but usually don’t. The Sun Kissed Vanilla Massage Candle will be one I keep up on maintenance because I really have no need for soot and ash when it comes to massaging. There is already a bit of discoloration to the candle, so I will have to be more vigilant in the future.

Overall, this was an excellent product. It was a good candle, an excellent massage cream, and a quality moisturizer, which will definitely add something extra to your intimate times.


Bijoux Indiscrets cosmetics for better sex

Lockable Sex Toy Case

January 20th, 2009

This case no longer appears to be available, although you can buy a similar smaller case, medicine storage case, or even an attache, although not all of them have trays or compartments for organization.

Words cannot really explain how excited I was to receive a package in the mail containing the large-sized Lockable Sex Toy Case,  which TabuToys sent on over for me to review. It is my first item in the way of toy storage and I think it’s high time. Originally, I stored my toys in a shoebox under the bed, and, when we bought our bedroom set, the shoebox moved to a drawer in my nightstand. As I added more toys to my collection, they overflowed into the drawer itself, then the other drawer and the shoebox became a final resting place for the toys I seldom used. Finally, toys wound up on the nightstand, my dresser, and even on the desk. Add to this the bottles of lube that never fit in the nightstand itself, and I think you can see why some toy storage was needed.

This is a stylish case measuring 15,” by 8″ by 7″ and features a keyless combination lock so that snoopy friends, curious children, and even pets cannot get into it. The exterior and interior are both lined with a sort of faux leather, and there is even a smaller tray that works great for batteries, condoms, and other smaller items. There is a sturdy metal handle on the top which makes it easy to take from room to room or party to party, should you feel so inclined.

When this locking case first arrived, it came with no packaging, which surprised me. I also could not find any instructions on the outside so I was curious about how to initially open it. I figured the default combination would be simple, so I eventually experimented until it came open (It wound up being 0-0-0, 1-1-2). There is a combination on each side with a button you push outward to pop open the locks.

Inside, instructions showed how to set the combination: when it’s unlocked, hold the button out and change the combination to your preferred setting. I must admit, I need more storage than the lock so I will leave the case unlocked. I found the buttons to be a bit finicky and not as easy to use as I would like; I think this would definitely be frustrating if you are in the dark or your hands are covered in lube. So I would definitely recommend setting up beforehand. Hopefully, the buttons will become a bit easier to use over time.

Lockable Sex Toy Case When the locks pop open, either side of the top of the box comes open, revealing the main area of the chest as well as a small tray. The interior isn’t much smaller than the exterior, and there isn’t any hardware that got in my way. Initially, some of the lining in one of the lid wasn’t glued on all the way, but I added a loving touch (read: superglue), and all has been fine. I was eager to start piling in my toys.

The tray can be pushed up and out of the way to access the chest or remain toward the center. That center position is where the tray sits when the box is closed. Because it covers half the open space, the tray will block tall items when the chest is closed.  If you’re careful, you could place taller items like the bottles of lube to the side of the tray and keep them standing when the container is closed. 

While it doesn’t fit my entire collection, it does fit an assortment of vibrators, dildos, batteries, lubes, cock rings and batteries, none of which were too large. But it’s big enough to fit a few wands or rabbit vibrators.

Currently, my toy case includes (in the main space):

The tray holds these items:

  • Deep Sea Pleasure
  • Silicone Cock Rings
  • Clit Tease Her
  • Assorted Batteries (AA, N, AAA, C)
  • Make Me Cum Clit Sensitizer

Lockable Sex Toy CaseI was pretty impressed with everything that fit into this box and could fit more in it if I layered toys, although that might make retrieving some of them difficult. While I like the tray, I think each lid could have some sort of pocket or strap added for extra storage without piling everything in. This would be awesome for toys you do not want to store together or perhaps even a flogger or whip.

Another thing that stood out is that this is not discreet. Although prying minds may not be able to see in this box, they will more than likely know what it contains if they see it in the bedroom. Its size may tell a little more than you want to let on, so I would still recommend keeping it tucked away if that is an issue. Unfortunately, it’s slightly too large to fit into my nightstand.

My final concern is about weight limits. Because it has a single handle, the box really seems to pull down when it’s fully loaded. I currently have my nail polish collection in the box, but to be safe, I grasp the bottom rather than using the handle. This may not be necessary, but the glass bottles are far more likely to break if I drop the box than sex toys would.

When it comes down to it, the Lockable Sex Toy Case in large looks nice while being functional. It gives your toys a safe place to rest while preventing intruders in your private life. The included tray works wonderfully for smaller items, so they don’t get lost in the bottom of the case. While it’s definitely a step up from my shoebox, a few improvements would make this perfect!


Interview Me!

January 15th, 2009

Sienna had posted this neat little meme on her blog. She was interview by Beautiful Dreamer and I requested an interview as well. So here are her wonderful questions and my responses to them, followed by a more detailed explanation of the process.

You have some really interesting articles on sex. How do you come up with your topics, and are you currently working on another one? Well, my thought process in relation to anything pretty much goes something like this “Can I somehow use this event/subject/thoughts in one of my blogs? If so, how?” I am always looking for blog fodder and blogging is a pretty active activity for me. A few of my articles have been inspired by friends or questions asked of me. Others are simply things I have been thinking about. In the case of the sex toy materials guide, I was curious and used it as a way to become more knowledgeable myself as well as provide a comprehensive guide. I have a few articles which I have started and saved because I just wasn’t feeling them enough at the time to finish. I eventually will go back to them when the timing is right, whenever that will be.

You say you are fuelled by your emotions and ‘knee jerk reactions.’ Has there been a time when this has led to trouble? To something good?
When it comes to my relationship, this tends to be consistently negative. I sometimes react before thinking and I am trying to curb that behaviour which can be destructive. I think that I can be more empathetic toward others, however.

Your site is great! When did you start learning about web design? Thanks a lot. I have had websites for nearly 10 years now. I’m still always learning something new.

How do you deal with the different aspects of your life? Your online and your real life identity?
When I started this blog, I wanted to be blunt and honest but I didn’t want certain friends or my family knowing so I adopted a pen name. I strive to avoid any permanent and obvious connections between my every day identity and this one, especially because my “main” online identity is pretty established and it’s easy for anyone to find me by name.

The problem with being active in any sort of online community is that it takes time and effort and I am often struggling not to neglect each of those communities. I currently have 3 blogs, including, this one, which I update on a frequent basis (several times per week), 2 Twitter accounts (TwitterFox is a godsend!) and post in dozens of forums of different natures. It’s just a matter of prioritizing, I suppose but sometimes I realize my time isn’t balanced enough and I feel like I have to play “catch up.”

Interestingly enough, I have invited several friends, both online and off, to visit this blog and some are even active readers and commentors. However, there are simply some people who don’t need to see this.
Your reviews are great! What’s something you’re looking forward to reviewing? Why? Thank you! I currently have a few toys waiting to be reviewed which are firsts: an anal plug, frozen lube cubes, and a storage box. I also tried out my first massage candle which was a big hit. Lately I’ve been wanting to branch out from the vibrators which I typically review so I am just excited to review new things.

Make sure to post this below your answers!

Want to be part of it? Follow these instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Touch your partner online with KIIROO

Pleasurists #12

January 13th, 2009

Geisha by Steal Your Soul PhotographyPleasurists is your round-up of the adult product reviews that came out in the last seven days from bloggers all around the sex blogosphere. Did you miss Pleasurists #11? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #13? Submit it here before Sunday January 26th at 11:59pm PST. Note: there will be no Pleasurists next week, January 19th due to the editrix moving to Seattle. Please re-post this list on your own blog if listed.

Want to be part of the Best Sex Toy Reviewers List of 2008?

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On to the reviews…

Editor’s Pick

I think I might finally understand all of the buzz surrounding the Laya Spot! I’m a fan of strong vibrators, and most of the battery powered vibrators just can’t compare to my go-to vibrator, the Hitachi Magic Wand. But this funny little vibrator is strong! Really strong. And quiet, too!

Madame Editrix
Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek



Anal Toys

Toys for Boys

Lube/Massage Oil/Bath Stuff


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Toy Storage

