Bondage Boutique Faux Tiger Fur Spanking Paddle

August 10th, 2012

Faux Tiger Fur Spanking Paddle

Faux Tiger Fur Spanking Paddle

Lovehoney has since discontinued the Tiger Fur Paddle, but they still have other items available under their Bondage Boutique line, including some plan furry ones.

I’m into the tiger things lately. Remember those cuffs? Well, this paddle is better. Ultimately, they were pretty cheap, and not stripey in the right way. It’s probably a complaint you don’t often hear. You’re welcome.

The only real negative I can state is that it smells. Out of the package, there was an overwhelming fake leather smell. You’ve smelled it before, I’m sure, and it might not even bother you. I just don’t love it.

Otherwise, it’s on to the pros. This is actually smaller than expect. The span of the fingers on my tiny hands is bigger than the paddle, but that’s not a horrible thing. For one, you can control is easily. It’s also good on petite behinds.

I was impressed with the plushness of the fur. The stripes are great–not exactly realistic but appealing to my eye. To my hands, this fur is way plush. Sticks up and over and offers a lot of padding. It’s much more plush, for example, than this fur slapper I reviewed a while back. When you smack someone’s ass with this, it’s soft and thuddy. The impact spreads out, rather than landing in one place.

Even if I give it my all, I can’t do much damage with that side; although, you can flip it over and use the fake leather side. Still, the paddle is just a little bit flexible, so I find that this lessens the impact. It doesn’t impede performance necessarily, but it makes this paddle on the lighter side of bondage. On LoveHoney, the review system asks you to rate kinkiness. I guess I chose about 3.5 because, to be honest, it doesn’t seem that kinky to me.

The handle is bordered in metal rivets to add to its hardcore appearance, but this tiger is really a kitten. Technically, you could use the handle as a paddle to get more stimulation, and it would be more acute than using the furred paddle.

At the end of a handle is a leather strap, which helps you keep your grip while using the toy and makes it easy to store. I’d wipe it down with a damp cloth if you have any cleaning to do.

Although I haven’t had a chance to really use this, it seems like a well-made toy at a decent price. It delivers both in looks and feel, and it’s non-intimidating if you’re just getting into impact play. I’m definitely interested to see what the rest of the Bondage Boutique has in store!


STD Testing: The Real Deal

August 7th, 2012

The Real Deal

Courtesy of The Real Deal


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Tantus Splash

July 30th, 2012

Tantus Splash

Tantus Splash

Tantus no longer makes this dildo in this colorway, but you can buy the similar Magma dildo in silver or black for under $40.

You may recall that the Splish surprised me. It was much smaller than I thought. In fact, while pretty, it didn’t do a whole lot for me. The Splash, on the other hand, was a dildo that I expected would be much too large, especially with the texture. I didn’t expect to like it much at all.. but I was wrong.

The Splash is almost identical to its younger cousin, but it’s much bigger. At 1.75″, it’s not for the tiny vagina-havers of the world. The drippy ridges add some serious texture to this dildo, too. If you like it smooth and small, this isn’t the toy for you. Why not try the Faerie or Silk dildo instead? And, indeed, I thought I would be one of those people who wouldn’t like the Splash because of this. However, I was dead wrong. It’s definitely not the size that changed my mind, though, because it is a wee bit large for me.

My vagina really had to struggle to take this one, and there was no way I was going to get the full 6″ (insertable) up there, even if I wanted to. Still, the texture was so very noticeable. My G-spot was, like, “Hey, guys, I can feel that.. a lot!” and then I freaked out, wondering who the hell my G-spot was talking to and just how it was accomplishing this task.

The Splash took very little time and effort, in terms of movement, to elicit some FE action from my body. It felt pretty good doing it, but I feel like I’d enjoy it slightly more after sex or other toys.. but I’m not the type to whip out a dildo post-intercourse, and aside from reviewing, I don’t take much pleasure in using multiple insertables during a jam masturbation session.

So, I’m pleasantly surprised by how well my body reacted to this melty-candle-lookin’ dildo. It’s not one that I would reach for all the time. My Vixskin dildos feel good, and they let me squirt without requiring prep or effort. Similarly, I can’t say this is the perfect dildo for everyone. Size queens will love it, but its girth means it feels pretty solid. It’s not rock hard, but it’s pretty firm, and the texture could very well be uncomfortable or painful for some. I’ve used toys that look like they had a lot of texture, but the Splish and Splash really take the cake.

However, if you like size and texture, you’ll probably love the design of this. The gradient between purple and white is one of the best designs, as far as aesthetics, that I’ve seen from Tantus. The texture is great to look at, and the base makes it safe for anal play and compatible with harnesses. Perhaps the amazing Sasha harness from SquareParts.


Mr Nice Guy

July 30th, 2012

Once upon a time I fell in love with a bad boy and he broke my heart. It is the story of every girl. It is the story of me.

At the time, it didn’t occur to me that he wasn’t a nice guy. I was stuck in my own rebellious stage of being not nice and so I was attracted to that. I was attracted to him physically and it was so exciting for someone to finally notice me. I was, in hindsight, the perfect pray for the good looking guy who needed a vulnerable girl to put down to make himself feel better. But, in my eyes, he was cool. He was aloof and it made me want more. He gave just enough to keep me hanging on and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to receive his attention.

Isn’t that how the story goes?

Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t a horrible person. The bad guys are rarely awful. They’re just not quite good enough and this was true for him. He was selfish, he was a coward, he was a quitter. He played the victim and refused to take responsibility for his own life. All in all, he was immature and, I think, that most assholes simply suffer from a lack of adulthood. Some of them even beat it, given enough time.

As the story goes, I married that asshole, still not quite able to see that he wasn’t a knight in shining armor or even the type of man who would ever be willing to fight for my love. No, I wound up doing the fighting for both of us and, despite the fact that everyone who actually cared about me had their doubts, I married him.

No wonder it all came crashing down around me. No wonder he escaped unscathed and I bore the brunt of the divorce.

It’s an even greater wonder that, even after the cheating, during the separation, through the fighting and the insults and the blatant disregard for my feelings, despite how quickly he walked away from us, that I remained in love with him. I remained committed when I received the divorce papers, when he moved out, as I moved 1500 miles across the country and even after the judge declared us legally divorced. For a while, I told my friends that, should the opportunity every arise, I wanted them to remind me of the vow I made when I married him. I loved that bad guy so much.

I look back, now, and wonder how I had the strength to fight for someone that much. I am amazed at my commitment and, more than that, bowled over by the fact that I felt so strongly toward such a weak person. Even incredibly smart goes can fall for the asshole, I guess.

When I decided to enter the world of dating, I was unsure. My self image was still skewed from years of living with – and loving – a bad guy. I remember one time, in particular, when someone called me “nice.” I was so confused that someone could think that about me that I had to check with my friends. Was I really nice? Could this be true? My ex had me convinced that I was a horrible person; something that I now recognize as a defense mechanism because he lacked the ability to deal with his own (perceived) shortcomings.

As I began to accept the fact that, yes, maybe I was nice among other things, as I rebuilt my self confidence and started seeing a different person in the mirror – a person who I finally felt was worthwhile – I also came to the conclusion that I was worth someone who would value me because I was intelligent and funny and, yes, nice. Not just because I had a great rack and was sexual. I began thinking that maybe I could stand to be picky.

I began figuring out just what it was I wanted in a partner. I contemplated personality traits and values that would aid compatibility and facilitate commitment. I can’t lie; physical appearance has always had its place high on my list but no longer would I content myself with a good looking asshole. There had to be depth, too.

Soon, I was excited at the possibilities, the unknown that had scared me so much before. One possibility stood out above them all: the possibility that I would meet a nice guy who would appreciate all my quirks, respect my intelligence and value me as a human being. He would make me feel special because he wanted me to know he cared; I wouldn’t feel special just because he took the time to look at me. It wasn’t a turning point but a gradual change. One day, I simply realized that I was no longer interested in the bad boy. That maybe the sex had been exciting at first but even that had become less of a payoff over time.

Instead, I found myself genuinely excited at the idea of meeting a nice guy. I wasn’t afraid I was going to have to settle. I was looking forward to meeting a man and building a relationship on mutual respect and affection without trying to break one another down on a daily basis. I wanted a more fulfilling relationship that I would never have to defend to my friends and family. The exact opposite of what had once attracted me was now making my heart beat faster. Normalcy, vanilla were beginning to look so much more appealing. No longer did I simply want the guy that I was always afraid to lose to make myself feel better. No, I wanted someone who would appreciate what I always was so we could feel good together. I wanted the hopeless romantic, a dork like myself with quirks, someone genuine and even awkward at times.

So I began the search for a nice guy. I knew he had to exist. I knew because a friend had recently resurfaced in my life and had proven himself to be a nice guy. If he was real, other nice guys had to be, too. That search has been rewarding. I have met nice guys. I have made wonderful friends and, on the good days, my heart still beats faster as I contemplate the excitement of finding Mr. Right (again).

Every now and again, I hear someone wonder out loud why the girls, even the smart ones, fall for the wrong guys. I understand why they do; I’m a living example of the cliché but, now, I understand why the nice guy is really the more exciting option. The potential, the promise, the possibilities are endless and the nice guy does it all without playing games or putting you down.

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Wanachi Rechargeable Massager

July 27th, 2012

This is an archived review of a discontinued product.

I’m not going to lie, part of the reason I requested to review the Wanachi Rechargeable Massager is simply because I remember them showcasing it on that one sex toy shopping TV show, the name of which completely escapes me now. I can literally hear one of the hostesses talking about it and, you know, I thought it might be nice to have a rechargeable full-size massager. Both of mine, while powerful and small, require me to tether myself to the outlet. I have pulled my Miracle Massager cord out of the outlet more than once, guys.

As is there were any doubt from the name, this is Pipedream’s Hitachi knockoff. There’s really not much difference as far as I can tell; although I’ve never used a Hitachi. I don’t think I would want to now, to be honest. The box for this vibrator was huge because, well, the vibrator itself isn’t a petite thing. It’s heavier, longer and wider than my Miracle Massager… even combined with my Inspire. I was just not prepared for this monstrosity. The head of this massager is like the size of my fist.

I also wasn’t surprised for it to be charged. I’ve gotten lucky with toys that way, lately. They usually aren’t but this one was. A slider switch let me easily move between the two settings.. and I was immediately disappointed. The vibrations on the lower setting weren’t any stronger than some vibes that take 2AAs or 3 or 4 AAAs. They weren’t as buzzy, sure, but they were just plain weak. Any of the Jopen vibrators blow this one right out of the water.

On the high setting, it wasn’t quite so bad… but it was still like the low on my Miracle Massager or Inspire. The vibrations of the Wanachi Rechargeable Massager were so lackluster that I plugged it in, thinking maybe it wasn’t charged all the way. Unfortunately, it was.

I wish my disappointment had ended there, but it doesn’t. I was resting this hulk (hey, they should make it green!) against my clit, and the edge of the head was doing okay for me, when it just died. Now, I think I’d gotten off once or twice, and I sort of wasn’t paying attention as I finished The Great Gatsby, but the vibrator died well within 30 minutes. That’s right, after I double-charged the thing, it just died.

Now, I wish I could say “whoa! these guys says I should get 3 hours of time,” but I can’t. Honestly, the product description is so freakin’ vague. I’m not sure what the advertised amount of usage is, or how long Pipedream recommends that I charge this vibrator for. Regardless, it wasn’t strong, small, quiet or long-lived enough for my tastes. The only way in which this massager really didn’t disappoint me is with its flexible neck. It’s super flexible. Way more than the Inspire.

I think you might assume that it’s as strong as the Hitachi, but it’s just not. If you want cord-free, take any vibrator that runs on 2AAs. It’ll do you better than the Wanachi Rechargeable Massager, by far.


Oh my god, you guys. This thing is a fuckin’ zombie. I accidentally bumped it on my nightstand, and it works again! I didn’t charge it, I just turned it on and it worked. I’ve been able to get a few more sessions of use out of it. While it’s still weaker than you’d expect, it apparently works longer. I just don’t know why. Perhaps it overheated the first time, which is definitely not a sign of quality. Your guess is as good as mine.


Playful in Pearls Satin Eye Mask and Cuffs

July 25th, 2012

Playful In Pearls Satin Eye Mask
Playful In Pearls Satin Eye Mask

This product has been discontinued.

This month’s assignment from CEN’s Sexpert program was a surprise. I don’t know if I would have chosen anything from their light bondage line, titled Playful in Pearls, myself. However, I can more than give you a thorough review regardless.

The satin mask is a slight upgrade to the free masks. It doesn’t just look like a pad on a string. There’s a more defined contour for your nose. Rather than a thin elastic strap, the band is bordered with lace on the top and bottom. In the center, back of the blindfold is a big ribbon bow. To top it all off, there’s a row of faux pearls along the top front of the mask. All in all, it’s very feminine, and I think this definitely affects who is going to buy this. It’s a little too much going on for me. The ribbon, mask, and lace have too many textures for my personal preference.

So, while the mask isn’t quite a pad-on-a-string, it’s not perfect. The satin is stiffer than I like, but it’s not so stiff that it doesn’t pull across the bridge of the nose. I experience this with softer materials. My KinkLab blindfold, for example, is stiff enough to prevent this. The elastic stretches and the mask stays stationary. Plus, while the lace and elastic band is stretchy, it’s not going to fit every head. The band itself is just under 14″ long, with another 7.5″ for the mask itself. It stretches much larger, obviously. I find this to be a little loose on my head, and it’s not adjustable. On the other hand, if your head is larger than mine, this won’t be a problem.

The beads don't stay in placeAlthough contoured, the mask isn’t quite enough to block out all light. The layers of fabric are pretty thin, too. It’s not a very good blackout blindfold, and the blindfold will slip during use, especially if it’s loose. For these reasons, I feel like this piece is really better for show than function. Take some pictures, but that’s about it.

The problem is that it doesn’t look as good up close as you think. The line of “pearls” is sewn on with a clear thread, like fishing line. It looked up over the top of the mask and only goes through the actual material ones. This means that the pearl beads can slide out of place. One in particular, on my blindfold, likes to flip behind the mark, so I’m constantly adjusting it. This really wreaks havoc on the aesthetic appeal, at least for me. Because the beads are just spheres with a hole on either side, a regular stitch would work for this. I’m not sure if it would require more effort, but the result would be nicer.

Playful in Pearls CuffsOn to the cuffs, which, unfortunately, suffer from many of the same flaws. The cuffs are two elastic and lace bands with velcro enclosures, and they’re permanently attached to each other with a string of pearls. I think the cuffs themselves are cuter than the blindfold. I’d almost wear them as regular accessories with the loose lace and the pretty ribbon bow on top. If you look at the point where the velcro attaches, it looks a little odd, but this isn’t so noticeable if you’re not staring directly at it.

The wrist cuffs do seem pretty tiny, especially compared to some of the nylon and leather ones I’ve tried. They’re about 7.5″ long, unstretched. You can stretch them another two inches, and the lace does have some elasticity but, again, these seem intended for ladies and not men. This also limits their versatility as ankles cuffs.

Such lovely knotted fishing lineThe real drawback is the line of pearls in between. They’re strung on the invisible thread; although, they’re tight enough that you can’t see it at all. The long row of faux pearls looks pretty cheap and, IMO, tacky. It’s very plastic-y. The bound person has 9.5″ of space between her hands, which lets her move some, but not much. I would worry that, during actual play, the bound person might accidentally jerk, tear the thread and the pearls would go flying.

CEN has tried to avoid this, because you can see that the ends of the strings are tied in one giant glob of a knot. It’s noticeable only if you’re looking, I suppose, but you’d think they could do it much better. It’s really sloppy. I didn’t give this one a full-strength pull test but, again, I’d be careful with it.

While I like the idea of the playful in pearls pieces, the execution just needs some work.
CEN Sexpert

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Tantus Splish

July 10th, 2012

While Tantus no longer makes the dual-colored Splish, you can pick up the similar Mini Magma in black or silver for under $30.

Sometimes Tantus makes two very similar toys, like the Flurry and Cush, and you have to try them both to see which one is the best fit. Sometimes they make two toys with a design as similar as the sizes differ. This is the case with the Splish and the Splash. The splish makes a little splish, were you to throw it in a lake. Although, that would be a waste of good silicone. Both dildos have this awesome drippy candle-waxy appearance that is aesthetically pleasing and super easy to feel when inserted. It works really well with the radiant of the silicone, too. These dildos are fucking works of art, man.

The major difference is that Splish is just 4.5″ long and 1″ in diameter. That’s way less than half and inch. It’s tiny, like a finger. In fact, it doesn’t even seem 4.5″ long. It’s a squishy little bugger that you can bend right in half. See Tantus’ comparison photo here. It’s perfect for beginning anal play, but even with a flared base you probably won’t want to use it in a harness. Unless it’s a knee harness. Leverage.

The selling point is that the tiny size lets you hit exactly the right spot and it’s super flexible, too. Don’t let the straight shaft make you think it’s not a G-spotter. On the other hand, while I can easily fell the textures, it wasn’t necessarily pleasurable. It was more business than pleasure. Not my favorite type of G-spot stimulation, if you know what I mean.

The little ridges do make it slightly harder to clean than a smooth shaft, but not much. The shaft itself is pretty glossy and will attract lint, but the base is more of a matte texture. I don’t feel it during use, but it feels interesting while I wash it.

It’s interesting because I really thought I’d prefer the Splish. The Splash just seemed too much, but I think I’m leaning in that direction. Of course, if you need a Tantus toy to fit in your purse, you could do much worse than this one. Like the Delta, for example. SheVibe sells the Splish for a great price, too.