Seeing Stars

August 30th, 2011

I don’t use a scale in my reviews. I could I could but sometimes I find the numbers, 1 through 5 or 10, to be too arbitrary to explain my feelings. After all, I am writing an in-depth review for a reason, am I not? I don’t tend to think “This is great” or “This is just okay.” I have a lot of trouble rating anything on that scale, honestly.

But I’ve recently begun to having amusing thoughts when using toys and writing reviews. I think “How soon will this go up on ToySwap?” Now, that’s a scale I could get used to. A “five-star” toy would equate to “this is never going on ToySwap ever” while a one-star toy would go up right away. A four-star toy is one that I’d have to get something really awesome in order to exchange. Like the Pure Wand. I really wanted to like it but just couldn’t. I liked things about it. A four-star toy I may break out every once in a while fondly. On the other hand, a two-star toy? I may just want to give one more whirl before deciding what to do with it. That decision probably isn’t overly hard.

In fact, it’s probably the in-the-middle toys that give me the most grief. I don’t love them but nor do I hate them. I keep them around because I hope I will change my mind because maybe it’s not horrible. Maybe there are some redeeming qualities. Generally speaking, quality toys that serve the same function as a previous toy fall into this category. For example, I liked a lot of the things about the Getaway Luxe but I already have a half of dozen G-spot toys that are quite efficient. I so do not need it anymore but I want it nonetheless. In the dresser it stays–for now.

That’s my bit o’ randomness for the day.

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